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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Meme Ahoy!

Caught this from Maureen McHugh’s blog.
Meme: Post the first line of your first journal entry of each month for 2007.

(One thing strikes me doing this, how quickly Wolfbreed went from idea to sale.)

January, I'm Back. . .

  • And actually moderating comments.

February, New Blogger
  • Well, I just spent a good two hours updating this blog to the new Blogger layout, and if I've done everything right, you'll probably notice no difference at all...

Copies are in!
  • Yay!

April, Still Cranking
  • Hit 40,000 words on Wolfbreed yesterday.

May, Two Thirds. . .
  • I hit the two-thirds point, and plot-wise it's all downhill from here.

June, O frabjous day!
  • Ladies and gentlemen, Wolfbreed is complete!

July, Agents Is Win
  • My search for a new agent has borne fruit! I have secured the representation of Elanor Wood at the Spectrum Literary Agency.

August, A Non-SF Novel Every SF Writer Should Read
  • People trolling in the genre mines of Science Fiction and Fantasy often harbor some resentment towards "mainstream" authors who manage to write books with heavy genre elements and get them to be taken seriously by people whose job it is to take books seriously.

September, Kirk Lives!
  • For Star Trek fans who thought James T. should have gone out in more of a blaze of glory...

October, But, then, how can you go around freaking the Mundanes?
  • There is a movement afoot, complete with manifesto, called Mundane SF.

November, I is playing wit mai toyz
  • I added a new little feature to the blog here. In the lower right there's now a widget that's keeping track of writing posts I flag on RSS feeds I'm subscribing to with Google Reader.

December, Guess What I Got in the Mail Today?