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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Two Thirds. . .

I hit the two-thirds point, and plot-wise it's all downhill from here. I also just sent out my first query letter in my renewed search for a new agent. So things are proceeding. . .

I have, however, just hit the point I do in every single novel where I have pretty much convinced myself that everything I've been writing is complete crap. The only thing that gets me over that particular wall is the fact that it happens with every single effing novel. What is up with that? I can really do without the angst, but there it is, regular as clockwork. At least I've written enough to know that the feeling will pass. . .


RobRoy said...

Push on! I've read most of your work and can say with my amatuer view, that it's not crap.

Of course, I'm reading the finished product, so maybe I'm at an advantage there. ;-)