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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

And, apparently I'm writing porn

No, don't get too excited. But, in regards to my last weekly asshat's asshattery, an apparently otherwise intelligent blogger, in posting her own rebuttal, suffered an extreme case of foot-in-mouth disease:

[...] romance novels [...] are not "books", as that word is normally used. They are either tools for relaxation or the female equivalent of porn. They should therefore be compared not to War and Peace, but to either Ultimate Sudoku or the Hustler centerfold.

Hoo-boy, is that a stupid comment. And in the ever-widening comment thread that followed, the author is thoroughly and repeatedly trounced for it, and seems quite befuddled at the strong response it engendered.

However, what amuses me that if Bantam follows through on bringing Wolfbreed #1 (still need titles) out under the paranormal romance umbrella, then by this light, in addition to doing a historical, a fantasy, a romance, and a horror novel, I've also written porn. Wow. Two sex scenes in a 100,000 word novel go a long way.