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Monday, February 04, 2008

Turns out, Bob's not all that happy to see you

I suppose this will come as a surprise to everyone, but apparently Bob's been duped. All that Enzyte he's been taking hasn't done squat to enhance his maleness. In fact, according to the Cincinati Enquirer, when former Enzyte exec James Teegarden Jr. got before a judge:

He said employees of the Forest Park company created fictitious doctors to endorse the pills, fabricated a customer satisfaction survey and made up numbers to back up claims about Enzyte’s effectiveness.

“So all this is a fiction?” Judge S. Arthur Spiegel asked about some of the claims.
“That’s correct, your honor,” Teegarden said.

Wow, you mean they lied? Who knew?


Anonymous said...

Those commercials were amusing.

Rhio2k said...

I knew something was up. Never trust a guy with facial rigor mortis.

quazipseudo said...

yeah, but that commercial in the Japanese board room was one of the funniest ever made.