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Friday, June 22, 2007

Book (un)Covers

Writing and trying to hawk Wolfbreed to agents (news coming on that score, stay tuned) has made me more aware of the growing genre of paranormal romance. I'm seeing it everywhere now, and I noticed something on my last trip to Borders. Now, as you'd expect, if the sexy undead werewolf-hunter novel has the word "Romance" on the spine it will be shelved under romance, if it has the word "Fantasy" there instead, it ends up in SF/F. But even if you don't see what's stamped on the spine, I've noticed a certain more significant difference on the covers found between the two sets of shelves. . .

Let's peruse the Fantasy shelf. . .

Now the Romance Shelf. . .

Notice anything?


RobRoy said...

Cover of interest: "Hunting the Hunter" by Shiloh Walker. I only mention this because this book (sadly) sits on the shelf next to one of your books, "The Dwarves of Whiskey Island" and the coloring (black fading into red, top down) and layout appeared almost identical.

S Andrew Swann said...

Just looked at the cover on amazon and if it's sitting in the SF/F shelf it seems to lend weight to the thesis Fantasy=Boobs.

RobRoy said...

Which then bears the question: where are the boobs on your book covers! ;-D

S Andrew Swann said...

I obviously need my new agent to negotiate a boob clause in my next contract.

(Seriously though, when Wolfbreed is published, I predict there will be boobs.)

RobRoy said...

As a staunch supporter of all things feminine, I must fully endorse the upcoming cover you Wolfbreed.